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最近做项目的合同部分时用到需要能把数字转英文的程序,找过很多网站都没用,只能安下心来自己做,程序作的不太精简,但功能可以实现,也许同僚们会用得着。(vbscript) function zr4(y)'准备数据 dim z(10) z(1)="ONE" z(2)="TWO" z(3)="THREE" z(4)="FOUR" z(5)="FIVE" z(6)="SIX" z(7)="SEVEN" z(8)="EIGHT" z……
<% Function StripNonNumeric(strInput) Dim iPos, sNew, iTemp strInput = Trim(strInput) If strInput <> "" Then iPos = 1 iTemp = Len(strInput) While iTemp >= iPos If IsNumeric(Mid(strInput,iPos,1)) = True Then sNew = s……
The purpose of this application is to make it easier to caputre data from forms. I know when I create forms I hate typing in all the request.form information in my code, so I decided to write a way to dynamically create the request which strip the variable for apostrophes and also trims t……
From computerworld 在ASP中改善动态分页的性能 人民银行济南分行清算中心 张立锋 山东省水利科学研究院 张 禾  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 概 述 ---- 现在有不少介绍利用ASP实现动态分页的文章,方法大同小异,就是每次利用ADO返回原始数据满足条……
  Windows98,Windows NT 4.0,Windows 2000 professional,windows 2000 server等   jdk1_2_2-001-win.exe   tomcat.zip(3.1) 一、软件下载   JDK     http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/   Tomcat     http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/tomcat/release/v3.1/ 二、软件安装 ……
如果您的网站面向世界各地的冲浪者或者对外开展商贸活动,检测来访者的浏览器语言类型就非常现实了。这里提供 的脚本可以检测流露;浏览器的语言类型,一般中文可以识别为“ZH”,英文版本的可以识别为“EN”,然后根据判断的浏 览器语言类型导向不同语言版本的页面。当然你可以通过服务器端去解决这个问题,在客户端用……
介绍 作者:http://www.aspcn.com 飞刀 在不入前的一天,当我为了解决一个语法问题来翻阅VBscript文档时,偶然间发现在了下面的一句话: Class Statement Declares the name of a class, as well as a definition of the variables, properties, and methods that comprise the class. 翻译过来就是...... ……
Written by: Günter Hoffellner Translated by: Bernhard Spuida First published: 9/8/2000 Setting or reading cookies in Flash may be necessary for example to extend the personalization of a web site to the Flash file. Flash does not support direct setting and reading of cookies. Thus, ……
用两种不同的方法来求实现数字字符串的最大,最小和平均值 <%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript" ENABLESESSIONSTATE = False %> <% '1. Selecting the numbers from a string: myString = "2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12" aValues = Split(myString, ",", -1, 1) Function Min(someNumbers) dblLowestSoFar = Null For I……
<html><body> <% mnth = MonthName(Month(Now)) M = Month(Now) If M = 1 Then M2 = M + 11 Else M2 = M - 1 mnthprev = MonthName(M2) Response.Write"This month is: "&mnth&"<br>"&_ "Last month was: "&mnthprev&"" %> </body></html>
Code Title: Proper Case Description: You know how to use UCase and LCase, now here's Pcase! Ucase converts a string to all UPPERCASE, and of course Lcase does the opposite, but this will convert any text string to Proper Case. It basically capitalizes the first letter of every word in the strin……
Code Title: Proper Number Description: If you have a long number to display, then why not make it split the number up correctly with a comma? For example, the number 12345678 looks odd, right? Ok, let's apply the Comma() function to that number and display it like this automatically: 12,345,……
<% host=lcase(request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST")) SELECT CASE host ' Just change the CASE to your domains CASE "www.designbliss.com.au" ' Below is the redirect command response.redirect "au/" CASE "designbliss.com.au" response.redirect "au/" CASE "e.free-bliss.com" response.redirect "……
<html> <head> <% Set obJS = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType") If obJS.javascript = TRUE Then 'Look for a version of Internet Explorer that supports ActiveX (i.e., one that's 'running on a platform other than Mac or Windows 3.1) or a browser that supports 'the plugin prope……
用HTML META标签和ASP来作定时迟时信息
Using ASP and HTML Meta TAGS To Make A Dynamic Delay Message This is a little trick to display a timed message to the user after doing some sort of task. By mixing some creative ASP with a simple HTML META Refresh you can display a message to a user for a specified period of time and then red……
<%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript" ENABLESESSIONSTATE = False %> <% 'Here we request the numeric percentages(%) of 'discount, ie: 2, 5, 10, 20, etc.: percent_discount = "10" 'For multiplication, let's see if we need to 'add a zero after the decimal: If Len(percent_discount) > 1 Then pd = ……
<% Function DownloadTime(intFileSize, strModemType) Dim TimeInSeconds, ModemSpeed, strDownloadTime, AppendString Dim intYears, intWeeks, intDays Dim intHours, intMinutes, intSeconds intYears = 0 intWeeks = 0 intDays = 0 intHours = 0 intMinutes = 0 intSeconds = 0 strDownloadTi……
<% Function cTextBox(name, value, size) Response.Write"<input type=text name='"&name&"' value='"&value&"' size='"&size&"'>"&vbcrlf Response.Write cTextBox("NAME", "1", "12") &vbcrlf End Function Function cCheckBox(name, value, checked) Response.Write"<input type=checkbox name='"……
function IsValidEmail(email) dim names, name, i, c 'Check for valid syntax in an email address. IsValidEmail = true names = Split(email, "@") if UBound(names) <> 1 then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if for each name in names if Len(name) <= 0 then IsV……
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